The Mac14,6 model recently made an appearance on Geekbench boasting an impressive 96GB of RAM. Apple seems to be diligently preparing to introduce fresh MacBook models equipped with the M2 Pro and M2 Max chipsets in 2023. As of now, details about these rumored devices remain rather scant. However, there have been intriguing sightings of two unreleased Mac variants in the Steam Hardware and Software survey conducted in November 2022. Notably, one of these devices had already surfaced on the Geekbench benchmarking platform, and it’s strongly speculated to be a novel MacBook Pro model powered by the M2 Max processor.
These two MacBook models, specifically the Mac14,6 and Mac15,4, were recently identified by MacRumors in the Steam November 2022 survey. This monthly survey’s purpose is to gather data on the hardware and software preferences of gamers using the Steam platform. Remarkably, both of these MacBook models were recorded with a usage percentage of zero, suggesting that they are not currently being utilized for gaming purposes.
Nonetheless, the presence of these devices in the survey raises the possibility that Apple has initiated testing of its forthcoming Apple M2 Max chipset. Furthermore, the Mac14,6 model was recently detected on Geekbench, and it appears to be a MacBook Pro model furnished with a whopping 96GB of RAM and running on macOS v13.2 (Build 22D21).
According to the information gleaned from the Geekbench listing, the Apple M2 Max processor is rumored to feature 12 cores with a base clock speed of 3.54GHz. It is believed to incorporate a 128KB L1 instruction cache, a 64KB L1 data cache, and a 4MB L2 cache. This purported MacBook Pro model managed to achieve an impressive single-core score of 1,853 points and a formidable multi-core score of 13,855 points.
As of now, details regarding the ‘Mac15,4’ model remain elusive. According to recent reports, Apple may be in the process of developing a Mac Pro that will be driven by a new System-on-Chip (SoC). This SoC, potentially named the M2 Extreme, is expected to surpass the performance capabilities of the current M2 chip, as well as the rumored M2 Max, M2 Pro, and M2 Ultra chipsets. This powerful chip is rumored to feature up to four times as many CPU cores as the M2 Max, promising a significant leap in computing prowess.